Scanlon Foundation

Scanlon Foundation

The Scanlon Foundation was established in 2001 to enhance and foster social cohesion within Australia. We believe that welcoming communities is essential to the successful transition of migrants into Australian society and is best demonstrated by individuals and organisations that are inclusive and supportive of cultural diversity.


Why is this initiative important?

Inclusive Australia is designed to remind us of how important the simple gestures are and how much new contacts, friends and perhaps even relationships can bring to an individual’s sense of belonging, our personal wellbeing and to building the kind of community we all want to live in.

Why is this initiative important?

What does it mean to be involved?

Inclusive Australia will extend many of the messages that the Scanlon Foundation already supports and encourages. Inclusive Australia encourages and enables everyone to tap into the Australian values of equity, respect, openness and a fair go to create a welcoming experience at the personal, local, business and societal levels.

What does it mean to be involved?

How do you promote social inclusion?

The Scanlon Foundation supports many organisations and campaigns that align with the Inclusive Australia values such as Community Hubs Australia, A Taste of Harmony, The Huddle at the North Melbourne Football Club, Welcoming Cities, Welcome Dinners and The Bread and Butter Project.

How do you promote social inclusion?